Saturday, May 14, 2011

world cup 2011 champions hd

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  • kdarling
    Mar 31, 04:16 PM
    Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes.

    Gruber is rarely accurate in his conclusions, and this time is no exception.

    None of what is happening smacks of being a "bait-and-switch" as he claims. That would've required extremely clever pre-planning years ago on the part of Google.

    Instead, it's got all the hallmarks of too little pre-planning.

    Anyone with experience dealing with large projects can see that Rubin has belatedly come to realize that things were getting out of control. Now he is goofing up trying to take full control himself instead of doing the smart thing and first getting a consensus from the OHA members.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup
  • 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup

  • bobthedino
    Apr 27, 10:03 AM
    And how close do you have to be before a wifi is logged? they reach what, 10-100meters? Take the log and triangulate the cell towers, since your properly most at work or at home, those two places will stand out in the data.

    No they won't stand out in the data, because each cell tower or Wi-Fi hotspot is only included once in the database. And there is no information regarding how much time you spend in each location.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup 2011 champions pics.
  • world cup 2011 champions pics.

  • macfan881
    Sep 7, 01:06 PM

    no defintly saw the logo for 5 in the game.
    here are some vids from other various website that are on the demo

    world cup 2011 champions hd. cricket world cup 2011
  • cricket world cup 2011

  • msb3079
    Apr 7, 10:59 PM
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

    I was a manager at Circuit City for several years and I could not disagree any more.

    The quicker you move stock, the better.

    Obviously, you DON'T know.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. icc photos, world cup
  • icc photos, world cup

  • daneoni
    Aug 26, 05:38 AM
    Might as well add my story. My 2005 PB (non Hi-Res) i bought in august 05 started forcefully going to sleep. The genius almost gave me hell saying he couldnt prove anything and that i should re-install...yeah that'll happen.

    Luckily every record of the sleeps could be found in console logs so i simply save them and marched down there the next day. This time he had no choice but to take it in. After supposedly getting fixed i picked up the laptop,got home, powered it up and lo and behold it slept in like 10 seconds and had a wonky trackpad. Took it back and they replaced the MLB again this time giving me a 1.67 MLB (i had a 1.5GHz).

    I got home and things were fine for a while until the powerbook this time refused to go to sleep talk about irony. Off to the Apple store again, took it in again this time for about a week and a half (this is the only machine i have) and when it came back "fixed" i had been given my original MLB (my clock speed was now back to 1.5GHz, my serial number was back to what it was after not having one due to replacements) and there were scratches and crud on the casing. In essence i wasted my time completely.

    I immidiately took it home and sold it as is, i just couldn't be bothered to complain anymore.

    Hmmm support could be better but it could also be worse.

    PS i'm in the UK.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. Worldcup 2011 Winner Team
  • Worldcup 2011 Winner Team

  • aswitcher
    Aug 11, 09:11 PM
    Apple can really lead the way with GPS if they start putting it in iPods and iPhones, as well as the next generation of portable Macs.

    Even a Mac wrist watch with GPS and BT like the Suunto range would rock - and I am sure sell well.

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  • Icc+world+cup+2011+winners

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 02:23 PM
    You may get your wish soon. It appears that Lion will be Step 1 in the blending of the two OS's. A bridge. Step 2 may very well be the one & only Apple OS - based on iOS.

    There's too much money in the volume sales of iPhones & iPads for Apple to focus on anything else.

    Ridiculous. Mac OS X and iOS can never merge because their UI paradigms are completely different. Why don't people understand this?

    And on what computers would iOS apps be developed on of Apple were to can the Mac? iOS may be much more popular, but the Mac is more popular now than it ever has been and still makes then plenty of money.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. icc world cup 2011 champions
  • icc world cup 2011 champions

  • Shagrat
    Jul 21, 12:28 AM
    You realize there are probably only four people on this board who are old enough to get that joke, right?


    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup 2011 winners
  • world cup 2011 winners

  • IscariotJ
    Mar 26, 09:21 AM
    OS X is still based on UNIX, dating back to '69.

    Part of what makes OSX great......

    world cup 2011 champions hd. cricket world cup 2011
  • cricket world cup 2011

  • 0815
    Mar 31, 06:18 PM
    Tightening controls? How about Google having final right of refusal toward any mass production Bill of Materials for any Android phone going into production? That will keep the manufacturing accountants from screwing over the developers taking a $0.76 of parts out to save on a run but generate a million man hours of bug fixing in the third party developer community.

    True - but what happend to the 'open is good', 'everyone can customize as they want', 'open is the freedom to do with it what you want'. The one big argument that was always made for Android is gone - it is no longer as open as people think. Anyway, 'open' was in this context anyway a hyped up buzzword ... I understood the 'open' argument since (with exception of the Nexus) everyone got dependent on what the provider chooses to adopt and what not. It is not good if the provider decides what to remove or add on top of the OS.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. vs Srilanka World Cup 2011
  • vs Srilanka World Cup 2011

  • Ladybug
    Aug 7, 06:28 PM
    If you were picking on's Stationery I'd probably agree with you.

    None of the things that Time Machine have been compared to seem even close to what they are planning to do. Including my own VMS file versioning analogies. System Restore is not capable of restoring a single file, and particularly not within a running application. It seems kind of more like a system wide undo function when it comes to files...


    Norton's GoBack, which was purchased from some other company, has a similar feature for restoring single files. This isn't quite the same thing, but the whole concept isn't entirely new. GoBack was introduced well before Microsoft came out with System Restore... That said, I think its a great feature to include and I'm sure I'll find many uses for it.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup cricket 2011
  • world cup cricket 2011

  • marksman
    Mar 31, 03:49 PM
    This is the right move for Google as Android has become a cluster...

    That being said it does go directly against how they have built android up, and how they have pitched it to businesses and consumers alike. This is a very significant change.

    I think this actually opens the window for Microsoft and their mobile OS now. It is not free, but now it becomes a legitimate option compared to Android for all handset makers outside of Apple and perhaps HP if they ever make handsets.

    It is funny one of the first things some people here would say when Android was brought up is "It is open!". You can hem and haw all you want, but for all intents and purposes it is no longer open. Google signing off on all changes and them having no timetable for releasing Honeycomb source code is not open in any way shape or form.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. World Cup 2011 Cricket
  • World Cup 2011 Cricket

  • manu chao
    Apr 25, 02:16 PM
    To say that it is an invasion of privacy is just false, however, because the information remains private.
    It is not an invasion of privacy, it is an unnecessary (and unpublicised) risk to your privacy.

    Any company that stores sensitive data of yours, eg, a CC number, is expected and to some degree legally bound to take any reasonable precautions to keep your data private (eg, by securing their servers). Apple simply failed to take reasonable precautions (by clearing the cache). Not on something extremely serious but an oversight for which they could except some slight scolding.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup team Champions
  • world cup team Champions

  • ivladster
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Is this a joke? What specs? Where are the apps, where are amazing games, where are publications and magazines? No where to be found.

    Playbook will not even scratch the surface - you heart it here first.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. India v Sri Lanka World Cup
  • India v Sri Lanka World Cup

  • littleman23408
    Dec 1, 11:31 AM
    Heh, if you like driving the bus, you'll LOVE the next two races at Top Gear...


    I am digging all the other challenges, the go-karts are real cool, but easy. The nascar isn't to bad. Although it took me a couple tries to get gold on the 2nd race. Nurburgring is cool, I know the track so its not to difficult. Then those dang bus's. :rolleyes:

    I'm looking forward to the ones after I think nurburgring as I haven't done any after that. I also hope I can roll around the top gear track for fun, maybe I have to level up to a certain level.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup 2011 champions pics.
  • world cup 2011 champions pics.

  • 4God
    Jul 14, 10:56 PM
    Why do the rest of us have to settle for your preference?

    You don't.
    Ummm..nobody said you had to settle for my preference. :rolleyes: That's exactly it, my preference, get over it.
    Last I checked, this is a forum where I could express my opinion, and as stated
    in the post you quoted from, I was giving my opinion not saying that everybody should agree with my preference.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup 2011 champions
  • world cup 2011 champions

  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 10:30 AM

    No, but standing on your porch and walking to a restaurant are usually morally indifferent actions.

    Lee, first, do me a favor when we correspond with each other, would you? Please don't say "feel" when you mean "believe" or "think." This conversation isn't about emotion. It's about truths and falsehoods.

    Second, by the definition of sodomy at the dictionary at, same-sex couples do engage in sodomy (

    Oh please. Can the condescension. If you know what I meant, there no reason for you to give me a dictionary link. And gee- could you be a little more insulting assuming that I don't know what sodomy is? Wow. Hey Bill, newsflash- I'm an adult- 43 years old. I went to college. I know what words mean, but I guess I should have been more clear and said "anal sex". Next time I will. I also know that people express themselves with words in different ways and that words can have several meanings due to their context. Apparently you do too. And by the way, I did mean "feel", not "believe". Your zeal on this subject is indicative of that.

    Third, if the Catholic Church is right, I didn't make the rules. God did.

    That's an awfully big "if" Bill- and certainly not one I'm willing to bet my life on. BTW- man made God and the Bible. You guys made your own rules.

    Fourth, again, I say what I believe. Others need to chose what they'll do. I'm not their dictator. I'm not their lawgiver. But if they're doing something they shouldn't do, they may get negative consequences here or hereafter. But I won't give them them those consequences. I won't punish anyone for what he does in his bedroom. I don't have the authority to do that. And I don't want Big Brother to spy on same-sex attracted people when they're in bed together. I'm not going to ask my policeman friend Kurt to batter down your bedroom door if I think you're having sex. Moral rightness or wrongness is one thing. Whether it's prudent to outlaw some potentially immoral action is something else.

    But you want to make sure Big Brother keeps us from being able to marry. You absolutely do. It's about control for you, Bill. Admit it.

    Fifth, sure some opposite-sex sex is dangerous, too. Whether a man or a woman is the recipient, anal sex an cause colon leakage. Anal sex kills epithelial cells and semen suppresses the recipient's immune system. It needs to do that during vaginal sex, too, because if it didn't do it, white blood cells would attack the sperm. Vaginas are well-suited for sex partly because they contain a natural lubricant that rectums don't contain. Does anyone notice a hint of natural teleology there, hmm?

    They're called condoms, Bill. Sensible people use them to protect against the very things you describe. Because ya know, we DO know about such things. Oh wait- that's against your Catholic teaching. So much so, that your religion tells people in Africa not to use them, making the AIDS epidemic even worse. Thanks for that.

    Sixth, for people who think I'm trying to control them or punish them, I'll put the shoe one the other foot. How many liberals attack Beck personally when they don't even listen to him? How many try to shout down conservatives or to silence them when they say something that the shouters and the would-be silencers hate to hear? How many generalize hastily about people "like me" when they assume that anyone who thinks "gay" sex is immoral is obviously a hateful homophobe? How many would try to limit my free speech by outlawing my so-called hate speech? How many don't distinguish between condemning a person and condemning an action?

    Bill- if you were sincere about this, you would support the gay rights movement and support equal marriage rights for gay people. Your examples are silly. Everyone has the right to speak out against opinions they oppose. In none of the examples you used is anyone trying to legally deny anyone anything. People are entitled to their opinions. people are NOT entitled to deny others legal rights simply because they disagree with them. No one is trying to pass a law against Glenn Beck or you. You guys ARE trying to pass laws against us.

    world cup 2011 champions hd. World Cup 2011 Champions
  • World Cup 2011 Champions

  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 09:29 PM
    Motorola wasn't the first company to create an iProduct and using an Apple may have infringed on The Beatles' production company's logo (not The Beatles' logo) but it was not a US company. Do you really think that Jobs got the idea for using the Apple name from The Beatles?

    It does not matter that it was not US company as long as they were registered in US. Remember Apple suing Australian supermarket chain company for using as their log letter W which slightly resembled an apple?

    world cup 2011 champions hd. world cup 2011 winners
  • world cup 2011 winners

  • greenstork
    Jul 31, 12:25 PM
    Apple will never ship a desktop machine so close in size to the mini. Impractical and too much market confusion. I'm expecting a ~25% decrease in size of the current G5 tower, making it more mid-tower sized. This would still be an improvement to the current behemoths.

    Wow, you're pulling out my deep cuts with your sig. They never did fit a G5 in a notebook, I guess that was my intention with that quote. The G4 was never a great chip. It ran hot and the only way to make it faster was to make it run hotter, Apple needed a new chip and they knew it. Because they couldn't find a producer of efficient PPC chips, they switched to Intel, and I don't think anyone saw that coming.

    Sometimes, chip makers move backwards to an architecture that works. Look at Intel's latest chips, they're an evolution of the Pentium M architecture and a departure from what previously was their "best" and fastest, the Pentium 4.

    Riemann Zeta
    Mar 25, 10:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    ********. If Apple is really done with Lion, then they should only be charging $29 for it (if that), like 10.6. More confusing scrollbars, tiny window controls and a better graphics/OGL support stack...add in the touch-screen readiness and you might have a quick $29 update.

    I suppose, following the iOS model, Apple will likely stop charging anything for Mac OS; the OS features will revolve around new hardware features and/or gimmicks.

    H. Flower
    Apr 12, 11:45 AM
    "grue likes this"

    Good call on the "insufficient content" / transition split errors, those drive me right to the edge of madness sometimes.

    Another one: TRUTHFUL !*@(#(!@#!@ ERROR MESSAGES!

    Another one: Let's say I want to export a marked clip from my timeline and I call it "Hurf", and then go "Oh whoops I meant to mark that out point 8 frames later", I want to replace "Hurf" but I can't because the program is dumb and says the file is in use. So I have to go to the file location and delete the incorrect-made file, or give it a diff name and THEN delete the original.

    ahhh.....Bane of my existence. Not an issue with After Effects and its annoying as hell!

    Jun 9, 12:36 AM
    Radio Shack is still around. :P

    It's probably the best place to go. NO ONE is going to know that Radio Shack has the iPhone. Probably a quicker in and out then Best Buy or an Apple Store.

    But honestly this whole trade in thing sounds fishy. Why would they give you 270 for a phone you can buy brand new starting the launch date for half that.

    Nov 29, 12:56 AM
    In other news: universal thinks they're god.

    Aug 7, 03:45 PM
    Why does no one ever mention the Dock? It is a HUGE part of OS X and hasn't changed since Jaguar. It could be so much more useful if it allowed for dividers, more customization, etc. I hope the Top Secret stuff includes major improvements to Finder, the Dock, and Expose.

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