Friday, May 13, 2011

spider bites piercing

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  • jaxstate
    Jul 27, 11:27 AM
    iTunes Movie store
    Al Nano up to 8G
    MBP, iMac processor update
    Leopard Preview

    I think those are the most likely marbles.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 10:35 AM
    Oh for fraks sake (

    On one hand I think releasing the full certificate should not have happened as the dumb ass in the quote above is trying to take credit for forcing the release and only stupid, crazy, and racist people were asking birther questions. And now they all look sane and can claim sanity.

    But, now that this long form certificate is out the President can say "Here is what you wanted and now can we move on with business" and if the birthers still question the certificate the President can show, point and claim that it was settled long ago.

    The birthers won't be satisfied. They're mentally ill people who believe what they believe and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:06 AM
    You obviously don't know how powerful SB actually is compared to C2D

    I think he didnt see the mention of their turbo (auto OC) speed of 2.3Ghz.

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  • are called ites bites spider Fact that works at mcdonalds like it to two lower Spiders+ites+piercing Sometime soon not getting my biteinternational An

  • skellener
    Apr 8, 01:38 AM
    WTF??? I have a ********** credit I've been wanting to use at BB for an iPad2 since before it even came out. They sold out so fast I've been waiting for the restock, and now this? F%*$#!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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  • G4DP
    Mar 26, 02:13 AM
    Some of the comments on this board are inane.

    1) Launchpad is the selling point...Really? You think Versions, Resume, Mission Control, OS wide Full Screen App support are not selling points?
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?
    3) When has Apple released an OS, and not shown new features on the final release keynote?

    You thing the additional GUI enabled features in the Server version is worth $500? Others are more expensive because they are actual server class. Not a cheap bolt on.

    All the "NEW" features are things that should have been preset since 10.2 at least.

    Your clearly Apples ideal customer.

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  • Ahheck01
    Apr 12, 08:35 AM
    What time do we expect an annoucement today? Any live feeds out there on NAB?

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  • starflyer
    Mar 22, 02:23 PM
    not enough RAM

    Not enough RAM to do what exactly?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 8, 08:37 PM
    But Intel did not force Apple to use Intel's IGP, Apple could have added separate graphics chipset just as they did with the MBP. Which wouldn't really make sense on an MBA IMO.

    Intel did indeed force Apple to use their IGP by not licensing other vendors to provide IGPs. The reason the MBP 13" and MBA 13" use IGPs and not dedicated GPU is one of space. Apple can't magically conjure up space on the logic board.

    If I didn't already have an MBA and had the option between the current crop and the SB variant, I'd pick the SB without thinking twice about it and I doubt i'm in the minority.

    I push the GPU more often than I push the CPU on my MBA. I doubt I'm in the minority, though I'm probably part of the minority that actual knows this little fact. ;)

    No matter how much you try to spin this, Intel got greedy on this one and couldn't back their greed with competence. They have sucked at GPUs since they have been in the GPU game (Intel i740 anyone ?).

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  • 3CCD
    Aug 5, 08:28 PM
    Microsoft execs have already gone on record recently saying that the rescheduled schedule for the revised schedule for scheduling the release of Vista now has a 20% chance of slipping.

    The way thats written cracks me up, not sure if you were being funny or not with a sense of sarcasm (nothing against you). It just makes me think of how great Apple is.

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  • AndrewR23
    Apr 11, 11:23 AM
    I hope not. I want the 5 now :)

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  • ivladster
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Is this a joke? What specs? Where are the apps, where are amazing games, where are publications and magazines? No where to be found.

    Playbook will not even scratch the surface - you heart it here first.

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  • ryanw
    Aug 26, 03:44 AM
    I've owned 4 macs.

    First a G3 iBook, then a G4 AluBook, then an eMac and now I'm on a G4 iBook.

    NEVER had a problem with any of the machines. They have been great. Just to let you know it isn't all bad. I also pay for .mac and have done for 2 years now. I'm happy with it and yes I get spam but the filter is very good and its hardly an issue for me.

    If you haven't been reading the comments, it would appear MOST people are complaining about the more recent models. I would agree with most that the Powermac G5's have had serious issues and now recent macbook's... Apple needs to do one of the following ... Higher Quality Assurance testing OR better support cause right now they're missing both.

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 12, 07:31 AM
    Been skimming over 4 pages here so
    forgive me if this has been answered...

    The only way this Radio Shack deal seems
    to work well is if I can walk in the store,
    hand them my 3GS phone and get immediate
    credit towards an iPhone 4.

    If I have to mail my 3GS back to RS and
    then wait for a gift card to arrive in the
    mail and then go to the store and buy the
    iPhone 4 it is just not worth it.

    So, the question is, can I simply go to
    my Radio Shack store, hand them my
    3GS and get immediate store credit on
    the new iPhone?

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  • Benjamins
    Mar 31, 07:11 PM
    That, right there, is one of the reasons why the Apple community is widely mocked. You should be ashamed of yourself. A complete lack of understanding on the most basic principles of technology.

    And Google fanboys still can't tell the difference between "Open", "Standard", "Free", "Open source" and "Proprietary". So I'd say those who do the mocking are not exactly all the bright either.

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  • prady16
    Aug 26, 04:13 PM
    Definitely buying a MBP asap.....not gonna wait for santa rosa!

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  • ehoui
    Apr 19, 03:58 PM
    So True...

    Poor lost souls rely on Steve to think for them, bring them courage, and guide them in worship.

    Anyone who fails to fall in line, is immediately a threat to them.

    It's this weakness is laughable.

    I don't know what's worse:
    1) Poor lost Stevie souls who "fall into line" with everything Apple does; or,
    2) Poor lost anti-Stevie souls who "fail to see any good" that Apple does

    This is a debate about a topic which few of us are technically qualified to argue. That being said, ad hominem attacks should have no place here regardless of the bucket that one might fall into (1), (2) or other. So I respectfully ask you to knock it off. Thanks.

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  • mwswami
    Jul 23, 04:28 PM
    Well Swami I am going to have to call your bluff. Makes no sense to skip Conroe Dual Cores on the Mac Pro yet. This Winter 2007 with Clovertowns, perhaps post MacWorld SF. But not yet. And maybe not ever.
    You fill in the specs. I can't remember what speeds are being offered. This is all just a wild guestimate for discussion purposes. Please don't flame me.

    Don't worry I won't flame you. You may turn out to be right. Only two weeks to go ...

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  • RedTomato
    Jul 20, 11:35 AM
    Definitely need 8 cores me.

    One for running whatever program I'm working on.

    One for running the OS X interface, with Core Image, and bells and whistles and brass knobs and shiny candy.

    One for running Azerus or LimeWire or one of these Bittorrent clients that all seem to be in Java on the mac, and all slow my machine to a crawl..

    One for running Firefox and rendering these java / flash adverts that seem to slow my machine to a crawl.

    One for doing the video rendering that still slows my machine to a crawl for hours and hours.

    One for running the Windows XP virtualisation machine in a window on my desktop that seemed to slow my machine to a crawl last time I tried it.

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  • bommai
    Apr 7, 10:19 PM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    Apr 28, 04:00 PM
    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn’t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there’s no need to be calling names about it.

    I'm sorry, but why was there a question about whether Obama was born in the US? Why even ask such a question? Why you think people wondered? And John McCain certainly was not born in the US, but birthers never concerned themselves with that little tidbit, did they? Did they ask McCain for his birth certificate? Why was there never a question of other presidents being born in the US? How was it so "obvious"?

    Aug 7, 07:26 AM
    Hey Guys.

    When do you think they'll update their website with the new "Mac Pro's"?



    Aug 7, 03:48 PM
    Hey nice to see osx will have system restore =D

    YOU MUST BE KIDDING. Have you actually used System Restore to restore a single file? Oh that's right, you can't. All you can do it reset your system back to a point where the file existed.

    This is MUCH more powerful, and more like something users would actually want.

    System Restore is great for those times when you want to apply a system patch that could be iffy, and you are willing to "snap" a restore point, apply the patch, and roll back if something didn't fly.

    But for the normal user, it is much more useless.

    Jul 14, 05:13 PM
    What about support for 2 30" cinema displays? You need two video cards to do that, right?
    Nope. The GeForce 6800 card Apple offered on their AGP-based G5 towers had two dual-link DVI ports.

    Today's high-end PCIe offering - an ATI Quadro 4500 - also does, but it consumes two slots (one card, but the fan is too large to allow anything in the slot next to it.)

    Looking at PC product offerings by ATI (, you can see that they also offer video cards with two dual-link DVI ports on a single card. You can even get this on a Radeon X1900 series card (

    Given that this is easily available for the PC world, there's no reason why it can't also be made available for the Mac (aside from someone deciding to write the device driver, of course.)

    Jul 21, 02:22 AM
    That would require Artificial Intelligence. If a computer can understand your speech, recognise your choice of words and understands that you don't neccessarily mean what you say all the time, then that's AI. If it can recognise specific objects in an "analogue" media such as a photograph, (I don't care if its a digital photo or not), it's AI. If it can then implement what it has learned alongside its infinite computational precision to remake a photo, while keeping it completely realistic, and making it look exactly how we wanted it to look, that's amazing, and lots of people will be out of jobs.

    Woah. Well, there's more than raw computing involved there, there is context for the computer to understand. What is the "sun" what does "Dominant" really mean? What are power lines? What does "remove" really mean? And let's not go into what kind of DB would be needed to describe all of the differences a person's face exhibits over a lifetime!

    I'm sure we'll get there and such 'life' DB's built I hope there is a standard set! Who says we don't need this really big drives!

    That's where the internet comes in. Of course, it's a pipe dream, at least for the next thirthy years. But who knows, maybe some day they will unleash a web crawler with a rough AI onto the internet to soak up all information, thus creating one superbrain, connected to the internet. Isaac Asimov anyone?

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