Friday, May 13, 2011

ivanka trump wedding photos

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  • Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump

  • MovieCutter
    Aug 15, 11:52 AM

    However the FCP benchmark is disapointing, but I suppose that it may rise when the x1900 is installed and tested. Still, that photoshop test? I don't think ANYONE expected results that good from a non-UB program. At least I didn't...

    I did...:D


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  • asiayeah
    Aug 25, 06:36 PM
    Apple support for me has been nothing but great. This year my household has bought an intel iMac and a macbook. Being revision A I was expecting some sort of problems with them at some point and the problems did come. First I had some serious video problems on the iMac. So, I made an appt using Concierge and it was right on time. So, the genius looked at the problem and in ten mintues told me I needed to have the logic board replaced. So, I left it at the store and picked it up 2 days later. I wasn't glad that I had problems with the mac but their support was great.

    Now the macbook was having the dreaded problem of turning off at random times. This one was a bit more tricky. I made my appt just as I did for the iMac and saw the genius. She had to replicate the problem of it turning off at random before she could put it into their system in order to be fixed. Thankfully it turned off within a couple of minutes so she put in the request to have the logic board replaced. However, it took 4 days this time to get it fixed. While I would have loved to have had it fixed in the same time it took to fix the iMac I realized that just wasn't in the cards. It has been fine ever since. Although, a few weeks later the battery started to buldge but they replaced it right away and we were only at the genius bar for around 15 minutes to get a new battery.

    After hearing the horror story of my best friend trying to get his Dell fixed I was certainly happy about my experience with Apple. (as far as the dell story goes he still doesn't have it replaced because Dell lost his notebook after he sent it back to them and they are trying to tell him that it was somehow his fault) The people at the genius bar were excellent with good customer service skills. While I realize that some have had experiences that weren't quite as good I thought I would point out that some of our experiences with Apple support have been excellent.

    I think you are in the States, aren't you?

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  • Ivanka Trump Wedding

  • srf4real
    Aug 25, 10:01 PM
    I hope Apple doesn't go the way of every other corporation that gets huge and loses sight of the bread and butter- customer base. In a world full of computers, I want to be helped by a human with common sense. Apple support has always been good to me, although I haven't needed a thing since buying my G4 mini last summer and signing up a dotmac account. (just to end on a positive note:)

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  • click - to watch Ivanka Trump#39;s full wedding photo and video coverage for free! ivanka trump wedding, jared kushner ivanka trump,

  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:28 AM

    Yet another unimpressive "major" update to an O/S that's showing it's age and irrelevance. (Hell it's already to most consumers nothing more than "That thing you gotta hook your iPad up to to make it work.) Compared to the iDevice world, the computer side of Apple has ground to a halt. Is it intentional I wonder...? ;)

    Enough!! Combine MacOS and iOS already!!! The transition is so painfully slow, would someone else in tech get off their lazy ass and prod these guys to move a LITTLE quicker?!?


    A clear and balanced argument ladies and gentlemen.
    So cogently valid as to supersede the need for evidence.

    Edit: Wait .. i just got the sarcasm .. damn!

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  • Ivanka Trump Wedding Pictures

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 03:56 PM
    I'm talking PHONE. Wait 2 years or so on the tablets and it'll be the same thing. Apple just got too big of a head start on tablets.


    Uh huh, sure Tony. Of course this time around Google doesn't have the benefit of complete carrier penetration and the ability to highly subsidize the products from long-term wireless contracts. Trying to apply the Android growth curve from smartphones to tablets will be an exercise in futility.

    Good luck with your dream though.

    Nope. But a 50" 1080p is better than a 42" 1080p.

    It depends on if you have to put it in your pocket. ;)

    i'm talking about a user experience as a smartphone, and the iPhone does not deliver, where as Android OS does.

    Perhaps solely in the phone part of the equation. Here's the newsflash: the "smart" part of "smartphone" encompasses much more than a voice-driven contact list and actual phone calls.

    The iOS ecosystem completely destroys Android, no matter how many widgets you're able to install.

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  • Ivanka Trump Looked so

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 27, 11:29 AM
    I don't feel like reading through all the butt hurt comments and strangely political attacks in this thread so I'll just ask:

    How do we know that Apple anonymizes data they do send?

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  • Ivanka Trump amp; Jared

  • Bob Knob
    Nov 28, 06:53 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    I work in a related industry...
    You're wrong, this is 100% greed. Apple does not make squat off music sales. The artists would get none of the "new iPod money" because it is not in their contracts... just like the blank tape royalties, no artist will see a dime from this.

    Why are the big labels failing? They sign artists that suck, and the dozen or so executives at the top are way over paid.

    Everything is passed on to the consumer level, you obviously need a business/economics lesson.

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  • Ivanka Trump#39;s Wedding-

  • rdowns
    Jun 8, 06:56 PM
    Apple really geared up for this rollout. Look how many countries and how fast they're ramping up. I bet all their big retail partners have it on launch day. Those retailers want in on the iPhone rush too.:D

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  • a good wedding! Ivanka

  • onigami
    Apr 10, 08:51 PM
    They did it in 2007... I was there.
    Back when Myspace was cool. (

    Myspace was never cool.

    Okay, okay, so they have done NAB (they've never done AES, though, that I'm certain). But still: They pulled out of everything in the last couple years. Why come back to NAB? Why not just do a small-scale announcement outside of NAB's timeframe so as to maximize press?

    Also, nobody answered my initial question. Why the idle timer? There's no point!

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  • Ivanka Trump | Vera Wang

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 04:46 PM

    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    As for the rest of the stuff:

    1) Time Machine--cool name for a cool idea. However, I use a Powerbook, and my External HD is in another room. It's not connected all the time. I wonder how this setup will work? And like others, I initially thought "System Restore," but then I realized how different this is, and how Useful. But how far back can you go? I have files on my computer that are almost 10 years old....Will time machine be able to find stuff that was deleted years ago (I do mean AFTER time Machine is installed...I obviously don't expect it to find stuff deleted before TM was installed).

    2) Mail. To-Do implementation looks neat, and themes might be fun for a Christmas letter. But I really don't care about HTML mail.

    3) iChat. "Share the Screen" looks awesome, if it works well. So does being able to do a slideshow while chatting with someone...

    4) Spaces. I've gotten so used to Expose, I can't see Virtual desktops being that big a deal to me. But It's a good feature for those who want it.

    5) Dashboard. From the previews, it seems like Dashcode will be available as part of the OS?

    6) Spotlight. Over-the-network searches sound great.

    7) iCal. More networking features are great, but most of my friends/coworkers have PCs, so moot point for me.

    8) Accessibilty: See above about Closed Captioning. Anything that helps Hearing impaired users is great.

    9) 64-bit. Kind of Obvious?

    10) Core Animation: Will my 1.67 G4 Powerbook be able to utilize this in any way?

    Overall, great Keynote, I thought. the only people that should be disappointed are the ones claiming all kinds of crazy stuff, as always.

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 23, 02:20 PM
    Again, Fivepoint, you forget that the President was selling the Iraq war with suspicious and weak information that the many questioned. It turns out they were right. Pre-war, the big issue was whether the war was justified based on the evidence being pushed by the President. The criticism President Bush faced thereafter had a lot to do with the fact that he lied to the American people in order to start a poorly planned war. They bungled every aspect of a war they lied to get us into. There were plenty of reasons to be critical.

    "Lying" implies intent. Are you accusing them of lying, or getting it wrong?
    Yes, there were many reasons to be critical.
    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations?

    Out of curiousity, what do you expect? I expect conservative congressmen and women to support a conservative president, but to think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. I don't respect blind support like what they did under GWB. Similarly, I expect liberal congressmen and women to support a liberal president, but to also think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. Some are speaking out, and some are not blindly supporting President Obama. Can you acknowledge that the liberals are doing a better job with consistency than the GOP? If not, how do you explain GOP opposition to the Libya action?

    Part of what you say is true, in that I should EXPECT people to be more critical of the other side. This is true. But I also think it's important (especially in this forum) to point out hypocrisy stemming from the left so that the Macrumors Echo Chamber doesn't keep you all in denial. What I personally expect is people to stand on principles, and not on parties. What I expect is that people live their lives in a honorable way and present a consistent philosophy. This is the same reason I rip on neo-con Republicans for talking about fiscal conservatism when history has shown us that their real world actions when in power are very different from their rhetoric... even if they still aren't as bad as the Democrats... it's not good enough. Both parties are bad at it, too many people simply tow the party line and don't think for themselves.

    It sure is easy to peg me isn't it? Too bad if you go back over my posts you will find more than enough denouncing involvement in Iraq / Afghanistan.

    It's much easier than actually addressing your real views... it's a defense mechanism which she uses to avoid serious debate.

    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    Being a 'non-interventionist' does not mean that you NEVER support war, it means that you avoid it whenever possible. It means that you are far less prone to military intervention than someone who does not care about the values of non-interventionism.
    Nonintervention or non-interventionism is a foreign policy which holds that political rulers should avoid alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense.

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  • Ivanka Trump amp; Jared Kushner

  • Markov
    Jun 8, 08:47 PM
    Do they? I thought they phased them out, along with most of the other electronic hobbyist items that they alone used to carry.

    Some stores do, the one I work in does.

    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


    Uh... no. It's the same iPhone 4. Why would there be a difference?

    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    Wrong. They've changed that. We get to customers faster, upgrades typically take 5 minutes if ATT isn't slow or down.

    I would rather just order it online if I didn't want to drive to an Apple Store.

    Seriously, RadioShack needs to die.

    Seriously? You mean, your not joking? Why should RadioShack die? The other stores need the competition. And why would you be against going to RadioShack?

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  • uncclew
    Apr 7, 10:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It's about consistent sales numbers, lower volatility. I'm sure bonus numbers etc. are tied to this. Just like when a company has a great quarter, they may try to push out revenue to the next quarter. Less volatile net income equals stronger stock price.

    Not that this move would necessarily influence the stock significantly but same concept.

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  • mikethebigo
    Apr 6, 10:23 AM
    Does anyone know if the IGP in these processors is underclocked compared to the variants used in the MacBook Pros?

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  • NoNameBrand
    Jul 20, 08:23 AM
    The Mactopus

    Well, I don't know about Apple, but when I get one, that's the name it'll have.:D

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  • amin
    Sep 13, 03:13 PM
    The MP is so overkill for my needs right now, I wonder if I'd even notice the difference. I think I'll wait for 32 cores before I update!

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  • ivanka trump wedding pictures.

  • gnasher729
    Mar 26, 10:19 AM
    There is no way this is a GM. The "reporter" is obviously confused. If it was a GM version that means they would be sending it off for duplication soon. Since WWDC is months away this makes no sense.

    To be fair, they are saying "nearing a Golden Master candidate". Which is quite meaningless, because Lion is "nearing a Golden Master candidate" from the time when the first line of code for Lion was written.

    Apple has a list of features that need adding to produce Lion, and a list of known problems that need to be fixed. The developers' job is to add the features and to fix the known problems; someone else's job is to find yet unknown problems before customers find them. You get a "Golden Master candidate" when all features are implemented (or management decided that something wouldn't be a feature), and all problems known at that moment in time are fixed. If new problems are found in the "Golden Master candidate" then the developers fix them and create a new "Golden Master candidate". If no new problems are found then the "Golden Master" candidate turns into a "Golden Master", and that will be the released version of MacOS X 10.7.0.

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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 11:19 AM
    News on

    77 Million Accounts Stolen From Playstation Network.

    Earth will not stop turning, but I think this is just slightly, slightly worse than a file that shows where you haven't exactly been at some point in the past if someone steals your iPhone.

    See title of the thread: "Apple addresses controversy". There is and there never was a problem, but the idiocracy forced Apple to act to end the controversy. Right now, who do you think should worry more, iPhone owners or PS3 owners?

    Both are issues. Both are being addressed. Why must someone (you) throw one company under the bus in favor of supporting another. Both had/have issues and both are responding.

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 20, 09:07 PM
    Well..I wonder if Apple indeed comes up with the Mac Pro update using even the top-of-the-line Xeon, who's gonna buy one knowing that a quad-core processor is coming up in the near future? I mean, I would hold off buying a Woodcrest machine if there's a quad-core is coming up next year..

    I know people will always say that "if you need one, buy one. Don't wait for new machines." But hey, it's a 2 grand machine!

    Perhaps we won't be seeing a Woodcrest Mac Pro at this year's WWDC at all. Perhaps we'll be seeing a quad-core Mac Pro proto-type that will be available in Novemeber or something like that:D !

    I don't know what intel's pricing will be on the is possible that Woodcrest will take a price dive when clovertown comes out and clovertown would take its place, or it is possible clovertown will be more expensive. Kentsfield is I think supposed to be an Extreme Edition?

    Mr. Wonderful
    Apr 12, 07:17 PM
    The Final Cut page has already been updated.

    Apr 27, 08:48 AM
    Why did it take so long for Apple to release a statement?

    How long would have been reasonable, do you think? A week is not too bad, especially considering we've just had the Easter holidays.

    Also it's surely better to spend time to get something right. Clearly Apple has had to investigate the iOS source code to find out what was actually going on, as it obviously wasn't behaving as expected. Finding the right engineers and actually doing the work isn't a matter of hours.

    Sep 18, 11:40 PM
    Of course they're going to refresh the laptops before the holidays. Duh. :rolleyes:


    I can't believe this would even count as a rumour. It's more an "inevitability."

    Jun 23, 02:37 PM
    Let's be frank...

    Whether totally Radio Shack's fault or
    not this was a very sloppy launch for the

    Quite frankly, I think they were just given
    the ******** end of the stick by Apple who
    obviously is throwing them whatever leftovers
    they have which now must be distributed
    across all their stores.

    I'm stuck. This phone is costing me $650
    and I will not spend that kind of money without
    getting $200 off on my trade-in. So I am
    sitting here just waiting it out. It may work
    out well for me because I may luck out on a
    White iPhone by the time my store gets stock.

    Aug 7, 05:24 PM
    Ahh, but that was a different situation. In that case, Steve said that, but was dependent on IBM to make it come true.

    Did someone put a gun to Jobs' head and make him use IBM?

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