Tuesday, May 24, 2011

situation room

situation room. in the Situation Room for
  • in the Situation Room for

  • playaj82
    Aug 7, 03:37 PM
    If the rumor sites were right....

    Mac Pro
    Core 2 Duo
    Tablet, etc...

    the keynote would have been 6 hours.
    I'm glad they took their time with Leopard and highlighted some neat new and much needed additions to tiger.

    situation room. Situation Room entrance,
  • Situation Room entrance,

  • GooMan
    Apr 13, 02:26 PM
    Please explain this. You'd buy an iPhone 5 with HSPA+, but not one with LTE ? Why ? Makes no sense at all.

    Because if Apple release an iPhone 5 with LTE, it will cost more and won't be backwards compatible... right... :rolleyes:

    Obviously not a factor.
    1) I'm perfectly happy with the data speeds I get on AT&T 3G. I would guess the new 4G phones will suffer in battery life. I don't want to give up battery life for network speed I don't really need. If I had to choose I would choose battery life every time.

    2) It's not the cost of the phone, its the cost of the data plan. I would guess it will be like the iPhone 3G launch where AT&T forced you into a 3G plan even if you didn't have 3G coverage in your area. Remember the original $20 iPhone unlimited data plan and how it went away when the new hardware was released?

    3) I currently have unlimited data with AT&T which I would like to keep although I've never used > 1.5GB in a month. I doubt very seriously this will be an option with the new "4G" network plans.

    4) I can wait for a "4G" phone until there is decent "4G" coverage.

    situation room. #39;W.#39; Situation Room and
  • #39;W.#39; Situation Room and

  • Meandmunch
    Apr 8, 07:51 AM
    I had a strange experience at Best Buy. About two days before the iPad 2 came out I went to my local Best Buy to ask about availability on release day. The employee I spoke to told me essentially that I should wait. He told me the iPad 3 was coming this fall and I should either skip the iPad 2 or purchase something like the Zoom. I pressed him how could he possible know that, I said I read all the rumor mills and such and time and time again no one actually ever knows that information. He said "they all did" (best Buy employees) it was posted on there "E-Learnings" site which is basically an internal Best Buy training/notification/product information system.

    So here is an employee telling me not to purchase an iPad 2 because he thought the Zoom was better AND I should just wait because iPad 3 was coming out this fall.


    situation room. The Situation Room today)…
  • The Situation Room today)…

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 23, 11:46 AM
    Some called them 'the coalition of the billing' because so many members were paid off in some way.

    For the Brits, that would be 'the coalition of the shilling'. :p

    situation room. Inside NYC#39;s #39;Situation Room#39;
  • Inside NYC#39;s #39;Situation Room#39;

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:45 PM
    Also, think about what apple would be doing with such a machine - selling you a low cost, low margin mac that you could nonetheless upgrade with 3rd party components for years. Meaning that apple doesn't make a lot off you up front and doesn't get you coming back again for 5-ish years. Great for you, not so great for them. Whereas if they sell you a mac pro, they make a killing up front, so it's ok if you keep it for years, and if they sell you anything else you'll be back a lot sooner.

    Yep - and that's the reality of it. It isn't just about the consumer, it's about profit margins, product life cycles, sales, etc. Apple wants to please their customers of course, however at the end of the day, business is business. :cool:

    situation room. City Hall Situation Room
  • City Hall Situation Room

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 27, 02:43 PM
    They're not. The proper file is flat. I downloaded and opened the PDF from the White House. Flat in both Illustrator and Photoshop, just one group on one layer... and no security on the PDF. No embedded fonts.

    This is a fraud.

    could be you 2 are using different version of Illustrator or have different settings on them.
    I have only played with Illustrator/ photohop ect but I would not be surprised that it could automatically being doing that when you open the file trying to detected Text and signatures and giving you the ability to remove/move them easily for editing purposes.

    Hell I while I was working I scanned in a document and used software to pull of my signature and save it so i could easily attached it to other documents I was emailing out. Mind you some security got embeded in the file when I was putting it on other PDFs.

    could be any number of reasons.

    situation room. The Situation Room for the
  • The Situation Room for the

  • TerrorOFdeath
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    Forget i7.. Hellhammer seriously? Didnt expect that from you. (or where you just speaking what tehnical could be possible)
    Marketingwise this would just make no sense at all. It would actually be a Conflict of interest for the MBP.

    i5 seems logic. And then just mhz bump bto.

    IMHO i would love to see an 11.6 MBA with an i3. So that there could still be enough power for backlit.
    And please, do make the screen better for the 11.6

    GMA3000 is ok for an Air. Even if it is just DX10.


    PS: @Scottsdale: Did you buy this Generation MBA. Or did you wait, because the backlit thing? (just wondering, because to an i5 you cant say no can you ;-) Oh yes, to replay to your text. The bus is higher, and so is the turboboost option up to 2.X GhZ. It IS better than actuall CD2. The power you use if you need it (if not, much more battery life). But on the GPU part im with you. It is still freaking me out, crp Intel Graphics. But i can swallow it on a MBA.

    situation room. In a situation room at the
  • In a situation room at the

  • toddybody
    Mar 26, 04:33 AM
    So its like, the complete version er...not quite done yet, but nearly finished..

    situation room. Situation Room A133
  • Situation Room A133

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 28, 10:19 AM
    yg17, I hate to say this but Obama HAD to do this to avoid the entire "birther" issue from turning into a major distraction that ends up wasting everybody's time during the election cycle next year. Heck, it's already wasted everybody's time for the last three years anyway. :rolleyes:

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Trump may have made a tactical error by starting the hardcore birther attack too early. But of course he's got more tricks in his bag. He will fire one attack after another to wear down his enemy. It kind of makes me wonder if Trump is a closet Scientologist.

    situation room. situation room in October,
  • situation room in October,

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 22, 08:19 AM

    They are supposed to.

    However, nobody knows how much stock
    Radio Shack is going to receive.

    There are those that have reserved phones.
    Stock may only cover those. Perhaps there
    will be a few extras.

    RS is on the low end of the totem pole for
    receiving stock of these new phones so I
    suspect there will not be many on hand.

    situation room. Jay-Z In The Situation Room:
  • Jay-Z In The Situation Room:

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 1, 05:11 PM
    The IC-10 test is giving me hell. I've not had much of a challenge until now, but i just can not get gold on IC-10. I have silver, which is cool, but i keep wanting to go back and get gold because i've gotten gold on everything else so far.

    Any IC-10 test pointers? It seems to be all about the first two turns, but i always end up tapping another car and getting disqualified.

    situation room. situation room. quot;SITUATION
  • situation room. quot;SITUATION

  • FF_productions
    Aug 15, 11:34 AM
    Check it out!


    The 3 ghz Mac Pro is neck and neck with the G5 Quad in the Adobe benchmarks, sick considering the fact it's running under rosetta!!

    situation room. “Situation Room”
  • “Situation Room”

  • georgee2face
    Mar 22, 03:25 PM
    They're not what they're not.
    Their purpose is anywhere/anytime/always-on, not "best tool for job X".

    I drag my tablet everywhere because it's easy to carry and easy to use (ease on the scale of "quick email check in elevator", "get restaurant.com coupon while walking between car and cafe" easy).

    Your complaint is akin to whining a Swiss Army knife is unsuitable for culinary or carpentry use. You have a serious application for which a serious tool is warranted, you get the serious tool - not whine that a lightweight general-purpose device doesn't fulfill the role. ...and sometimes the right tool for a particular enterprise application IS a Swiss Army knife, because for a particular job the "every tool is available in a tiny lightweight package" may be best.

    Thanks for your spiffy explanation. But I realy don't see how it has anything to do with my statement. The rim is aimed at business users. No it's not. Business users want a quick way to get files to and fro, PRINT, and be capable of note taking. Now, my Ipad, and my ipad2 weren't advertised as"for business users", and i wished they had what I wanted, but i didn't throw them out because they don't. If you take offense at my lumping them with the other two, I am sorry. But NONE of them can really be used for enterprise users in a meaning ful way. that was my statement, an it was and is true.

    situation room. Situation Room, 2009, oil and
  • Situation Room, 2009, oil and

  • LondonCentral
    Apr 11, 12:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I dont want to wait :(

    Tell me about it. I've just sold my iPhone 4. More fool me for expecting a Summer release.

    Think I'll get a decent camera and update my Macbook for a MBA while I wait.

    situation room. White House Situation Room
  • White House Situation Room

  • ianbailey
    Apr 10, 09:02 AM
    These are my predictions, based purely on idle speculation, same as everyone else:

    Bored with all this 'Ooh, it will be like iMovies' business. iMovie is for fun, FCP is for pros.

    As a pro editor you need to be able to preview and mark your clips before editing. Unless Apple comes up with some sort of compelling, Browser-based thingy, we won't be losing the Viewer window. The current FCP is flexible, you can close the Viewer if you want or have more than one Viewer.

    The pro tag would go out the window if we lost tape I/O, plenty of people shoot on HDV. I reckon all standard definition support will go. As will Cinema Tools, as someone has already mentioned. Issues for those who master to Digi-Beta and author DVDs.

    The possibilities of cloud storage are interesting, but there are obvious obstacles unless you're using low-rez proxies. A groovy control surface using the iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch? Bring it on!

    Although a new FCP is great news, I'm wondering if the new Motion is going to be equally exciting. It's about time it stepped up and challenged After Effects.

    situation room. situation room white house.
  • situation room white house.

  • Erasmus
    Nov 28, 11:22 PM
    So, this proposed cost is to counter profit losses due to piracy?

    Well... If that's so, we all know what we must do if this occurs...



    And pirate Microsoft products because they made this happen... Wait... We were all already doing that, so... Pirate More? I dunno.

    The music industry is just desperate because they know that they won't be around much longer. Once big music groups start putting their songs straight on iTMS instead of going through big companies like Universal, well they are screwed, and everyone else wins.

    Then again, you could look at it this way... Universal is becoming redundant, and they want their redundancy payment, as we all would.

    situation room. Situation Room Virtual Set (HD
  • Situation Room Virtual Set (HD

  • shawnce
    Jul 27, 11:02 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4’s 95 watts and Pentium D’s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    1) The watts numbers listed are TDP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Design_Power). They are not the amount of power the processor consumes ("drawing").

    2) PPC 970fx falls in the realm of Conroe in terms of heat generation but of course the Conroe has better performance.

    I should note that the PPC 970FX is a single core chip while the PPC 970MP is the dual core one... don't have good numbers for the later but I would guess it would be about 1.75 times (or more) the PPC 970FX in terms of thermal generation and power consumption.

    situation room. “Situation Room”
  • “Situation Room”

  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 07:08 PM
    The GPU performance decrease is much more severe that you let on...
    ...VDA (Video Decode Acceleration) framework support : Intel 3000HD isn't supported, forget hardware accelerated decoding of Flash content in H.264.

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try youtube.com/html5 (http://www.youtube.com/html5) or ClickToFlash (http://rentzsch.github.com/clicktoflash/) or other HTML5-Safari extensions (http://www.macupdate.com/find/mac/html5%20extension)!

    OpenCL. Big selling point for Snow Leopard, absent from most of their hardware line-up now.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCL). OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    situation room. CNN Situation Room Osama
  • CNN Situation Room Osama

  • satkin2
    Apr 7, 11:43 AM
    I can understand the debate about graphics and processors having positive and negative affects for folks who use Airs for work etc;

    But how would this affect average Mac users, the people who walk into the store, see iLife and the other standard Mac features, and walk out with a MacBook Air.

    How would it impact running iTunes. From a graphics perspective, how would it impact the export of say an hours home made movie in iMovie? (Quite a long process on my 08 Macbook).

    Bubba Satori
    Mar 26, 12:23 PM
    Is Apple moving to close the source on more and more of OS X ?

    Yes, as more and more of iOS moves into OS X.

    Apr 27, 06:20 PM
    The evangelical son of one of America's most famous evangelists says that President Barack Obama has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to become part of the US government and influence administration decisions.

    Accusations with absolutely no evidence. He should stick to his biblical schtick.

    Mar 26, 12:49 AM
    Already done eh? Sounds great, can't wait to see it in WWDC.

    Nov 29, 03:23 AM
    Wil universal get what they want?.. Apple is not totally powerless in this potential negotiation but i doubt steve has the power to laugh in their faces. Apple does not make music, it sells it. A seller can hardly laugh in the face of the producer of goods (or the gatekeeper of those goods). Want proof?.. walmart vs apple. Apple makes ipods.. Walmart refused to deal with apple the way apple wanted.. guess who lost in that battle.. walmart of course.. they are merely a seller, apple is the gatekeeper of ipods. The same is with the music studios.. apple is a seller, music companies are the gatekeepers. They can dictate who can and can't sell their music and while every corporation is motivated by profits.. they can always take their music and go home. Sure they lose but so does apple or they can make their music exclusively available only on microsoft service. You might not buy the music but you aren't 300 miliion americans. I gurantee apple does not want to be sitting by idly watching microsoft steal a market they grew. Naw, steve is not laughing in anyone's face.

    Any record company is free to make their music exclusively available on a service that is incompatible with 75% of the mp3 players owned by those 300 million Americans but I don't think many will.

    Aug 7, 09:18 PM
    I had hoped for the ability to link files and folders with contacts in my address book, I can only hope this is one of those top secret items.

    I would also have liked some way of sharing my appointments in ical with the windows people I am meeting, to date ical will send them an email with an ical attachment, but they are unable to do anything with it.

    Someone please tell me I can already do these things or that I have a chance of doing them in X.5

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