Saturday, May 14, 2011

shark attacks boat

shark attacks boat. Shark Attack ( My Nose Art On
  • Shark Attack ( My Nose Art On

  • donlphi
    Jan 15, 09:12 AM
    Please feel assured that size doesn't matter and we fully respect you, despite your smaller-than-average badge... :D

    You sound like my fianc�. :(

    shark attacks boat. of a fatal shark attack,
  • of a fatal shark attack,

  • marklin
    Apr 16, 01:34 PM
    I post the same think, in spanish forums, but spanish people don't like apple in command key :mad::mad::mad: why??

    I think the apple icon on the keyboard is a hallmark.
    I was born with that key (apple comand) and now when I see it is not feel like I'm missing something
    I'm from spain barcelona but I do not feel identified with the Spanish mac users :(

    shark attacks boat. BLEEDING: The shark attack
  • BLEEDING: The shark attack

  • Alaerian
    Apr 22, 03:42 PM
    Polls for classes or research are not allowed on these forums. Also, if you would take the time to search, this topic has already been discussed to death.

    Soliciting. You may not use the forums to solicit donations, votes, or participants for surveys, contests, or product testing.

    shark attacks boat. Shark Attack Speed Boat Tour 3
  • Shark Attack Speed Boat Tour 3

  • shelbyone
    Aug 31, 06:59 PM
    did anyone ever try to put new hardware into an old emate shell??
    I have original emate that I bought in 1997 which still works great and 2 from ebay....I was thinking of putting maybe a recent macbooks motherboard&screen into it.....
    any ideas??

    shark attacks boat. Why Did the Shark Attack the
  • Why Did the Shark Attack the

  • quagmire
    Jan 31, 10:28 AM
    Not at all surprising. Eventually, the open platform will always win over the platform that only one player uses. The iOS platform will become a niche platform just as Mac OS (X) still is one today.

    If you want to own a market, you have to open your platform to other players, just like Google and Microsoft license their software to whoever wants to make hardware and software for them. Divide et impera - divide and rule. Apple never understood this simple concept.

    Not 100% true as seen with the iPod. But, guess that is the exception due to other manufactures not basing their MP3 players off of one OS like they are now with Android.

    Anyway, this isn't surprising and hardly a doom and gloom moment for Apple fanboys. A 95% marketshare is expected when you are practically the only tablet maker in the market. Now that there is competition( and good competition at that), is it really surprising the iPad fell to 77%?

    shark attacks boat. How to use Shark Shaker
  • How to use Shark Shaker

  • WB2Colorado
    May 28, 03:11 PM
    Pretty loud is pretty much an understatement.

    Though the G5 XServe we have is marginally quieter than some of its Poweredge brothers and sisters, it is still comparing a jet taking off to a slightly smaller jet taking off.

    I'm not really concerned about the loudness, loud things don't bother me that much, and I probably won't have it turned on that much.

    shark attacks boat. shark attacks as well as
  • shark attacks as well as

  • edesignuk
    Nov 15, 10:18 AM
    I wondered why the form elements look better in the "special edition" Firefox for G5 ( optimized build, they must have included this in it :cool:

    I love Firefox.

    shark attacks boat. Angeliki - Shark surfer
  • Angeliki - Shark surfer

  • California
    Dec 15, 08:28 PM
    My superdrive is all of the sudden refusing to read DVDs. It reads CDs just fine, and I burned a DVD just a couple hours ago. any ideas?

    what model number superdrive is it?

    shark attacks boat. Shark Attack, with a crew of 8
  • Shark Attack, with a crew of 8

  • vincenz
    Mar 1, 10:55 PM
    He sure is selling a lot of magazines and newspapers if anything.

    shark attacks boat. a number of shark attacks.
  • a number of shark attacks.

  • russell1256
    May 2, 06:50 PM
    Try Easy Note, it's free and the best I've found.

    shark attacks boat. result of a shark attack
  • result of a shark attack

  • Jolly Giant
    Mar 31, 12:18 PM
    another recommendable source is OWC (

    shark attacks boat. Great White shark attacks:
  • Great White shark attacks:

  • ljg93
    Apr 3, 09:58 AM
    hey everyone,

    i would say 90 percent of icons/pictures in my app do not work on my iPhone, but they all work on the iPhone simulator?

    any ideas?

    shark attacks boat. 100 yards from his oat.
  • 100 yards from his oat.

  • 300D
    Feb 21, 02:54 PM
    The 6g's touch screen is nothing more than a gimmick to retain people that can't afford an iTouch. Too bad it can't do anything like the iTouch besides look like it.
    Lose video playback, lose a camera and lose physical controls buttons, all for the same price point? No thanks!

    shark attacks boat. Crysis - oat trip turns into
  • Crysis - oat trip turns into

  • Dewroo
    Jul 28, 06:26 AM
    I have a Macintosh Classic II that i want to fix. right now it gives me a zebra sripe like pattnen when i turn it on. It starts fine, without any bootup chime, and generly doesn't do anything besides display a odd pattern.

    anything i can do to see what's wrong with it?

    shark attacks boat. Egypt shark attacks: Why are
  • Egypt shark attacks: Why are

  • himesh
    Apr 13, 03:27 AM
    Would agree with 1rottenapple, I have a brodit holder in my car, works perfectly with that, looks like part of the car and is cheaper.

    shark attacks boat. Shark Attack
  • Shark Attack

  • floyde
    Dec 10, 03:19 PM
    Well I forgot I had a dual boot setup on my powerbook so I just turned it on and proceeded to do something else. When I returned it had booted to Linux and had gone to sleep. The thing is, it doesn't wake up gracefully on Linux and in this case it didn't wake up at all :( I held the power button -> no luck, I then removed the battery -> still no luck... I mean, wtf?? I removed the battery and the sleep light was still flashing:eek: So i gave her(it) a kiss and apparently I'm no handsome prince so still no luck. Any suggestions? :o thanks

    shark attacks boat. in a shark attack , i#39;d
  • in a shark attack , i#39;d

    May 4, 03:43 PM
    OK, I'll try to make it simpler, so you can understand.

    If you have a folder and you create an alias, anything you drag to the alias will actually be placed in the folder, as illustrated by the arrows labeled "2" in the screen capture above. You will not have one copy of a pic in the folder and another copy in the alias. An alias cannot contain pics or any files. It simply points to an existing file or folder.

    As you can see by the arrow labeled "1" in the screen capture above, you can drag pictures directly from Photo Booth into any folder you choose. You can also drag a picture to the Mail icon on your Dock to attach that picture to an email. You can also click on a picture in Photo Booth and press the "delete" key to delete the picture, so nothing is saved in the Photo Booth folder.

    Actually, it's not. Address Book and iCal don't give you the option to change the location of their associated files, and they're not the only ones. It's not uncommon for an app to not provide a method for changing default locations of associated files.

    If I drag the picture from the actual Photo Booth application after I take it onto my desktop does it still put a copy of that photo in the Photo Booth folder?

    shark attacks boat. Shark attacks, although rare,
  • Shark attacks, although rare,

  • capoeirista
    Aug 20, 07:58 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A306 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Apple's working on some new products? Well I never...

    shark attacks boat. Shark Attack: What John
  • Shark Attack: What John

  • Doctor Q
    Dec 1, 04:22 PM
    As a mirror attachment thing; bulky and will be looking really silly so not going to happened neither.
    Maybe not walking around, but at home on a desk I could imagine it.

    May 1, 11:41 PM
    Even though those are some cool features/improvements I wouldnt be so upset sticking with the i4.
    The one at the top of my list would be either better battery or bigger screen.

    Apr 12, 06:09 AM
    I have a great deal of TV shows in my iTunes library and they all have all of the information such as episode IDs, season numbers and brief summaries of each episode.

    However when I sync them to my iPad the summaries are not visible as they are with films, is there any way that this can be changed so they are? It would be very useful, I would say there is even space for it in the app.

    Mr. Retrofire
    Aug 19, 05:48 PM
    I'm desperately hoping for this to be the much-needed AppleTV update. I spent my Apple TV money on an iPad (which I LOVE; it's perfect for school), but I would eat rice noodles for a month to purchase a new AppleTV.

    The only thing that bums me out is that we're unlikely to see native Netflix support. However, with the rumored inclusion of iOS features (like an app store) may mitigate that.

    What are you guys looking for out of an AppleTV hardware update? I'm hoping for 1080p and a better ventilation/heat sink situation. The AppleTV today gets ridiculously (almost worryingly) hot.

    It is not like there are no alternatives.

    Here is an example:

    It supports more than you think and has good reviews:

    You can even install your own firmware, if you want.

    And no, i do not work for them.

    Mar 1, 02:41 PM
    Firefox continues to rock my interweb world, I love it. These G5 & G4 optimised builds just make it even better too :cool:

    Blue Velvet
    Oct 24, 01:58 PM
    When forum members are banned from the site for a period of 1-30 days, occasionally longer, they receive a timeout title on their profile for everyone to see. Some consideration could � and in my view, should � be given to ending this practice because:

    1. It's been clearly shown to provide amusement and gossip � even public gloating � to others who take pleasure seeing it imposed on others.

    2. It stands in direct contradiction of this sentiment:

    Forum discipline is handled privately.

    3. Because the offending action which places people in timeout is almost always removed, it therefore serves little purpose in making examples of forum members and in reminding others how to follow forum rules.

    The only useful indication that comes to mind from making this status public is the inability to receive and send PMs to those in timeout, but those who might miss their friends would presumably have other way of staying in touch, especially with the proliferation of channels and other forms of networking.

    Questioning some assumptions, is this a big problem? No, but it's worth thinking over. Would its removal be an entirely bad thing? I don't think so... it may even prevent the buildup of resentment on the part of those who may have something to offer down the line.

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