Monday, June 6, 2011

ugly tattoos

ugly tattoos. My kid, the tattoo #39;artist#39;
  • My kid, the tattoo #39;artist#39;

  • DeSnousa
    Sep 13, 07:18 AM
    So you re telling me I most likely won't even be able to have a cab take me home - my partner has to work, can't get out of it.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    If you don't have someone to drive you home and look after you for the night, it is recommended to stay in hospital overnight.

    iGary i wish that al goes to plans and your certainly in my pray's :)

    ugly tattoos. An ugly tattoo we shall call
  • An ugly tattoo we shall call

  • VAmin
    Nov 22, 07:42 AM
    Wouldn't using the "extra" electricity to power fans to decrease heat lead to less "extra" electricity???? :rolleyes: I hope they really think this through - and I'm sure they will. Of course powering fans isn't the only use for electricity.

    Using the electricity to power fans would actually improve the efficiency if the thermoelectric device is placed between the processor and the fan. This would increase the thermal gradient and generate more power than if you were relying solely on heat dissipation to get your gradient.

    The only problem with this solution is that high efficiency thermoelectric materials, by design, have low thermal conductivities, so it would not be a good idea to place this between the chip and the heat sink.

    I am also skeptical about the claim of 30% efficiency. If we had thermoelectric materials that operated at that efficiency, we could all say goodbye to refrigerator compressors and turbine generators in favor of devices with no moving parts, higher reliability, and no CFCs.

    ugly tattoos. wierd tattoos
  • wierd tattoos

  • Peace
    Mar 26, 03:09 PM
    ""They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster."

    How can that be interpreted about web content ? :confused:

    ugly tattoos. Barcode Tattoos
  • Barcode Tattoos

  • dhlvrsn
    Sep 26, 09:45 AM
    Apple needs to be very vigorous in defending the iPod TM. Not sure if anyone else caught it but with the updated iPod line CNN ran a story. In it the woman stated that Apple currently controls "70% of the iPod market." Unless the rebranded HP models are selling like hotcakes sounds like a generic use of the term to me.


    ugly tattoos. rid of th tattoo,he#39;s gona
  • rid of th tattoo,he#39;s gona

  • bwaltens
    Mar 6, 05:03 PM
    I'm thinking leaving work early on Friday and heading to the Southlake store will be a fun way to start off my weekend. I'm also hoping this isn't as crazy as an iPhone launch. I don't think it will be.

    what time do you think you'll get there? I'm thinking i will get there at 3 and be okay. I want a white 32 wifi

    ugly tattoos. ugly stupid tattoo
  • ugly stupid tattoo

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 5, 11:36 PM
    It certainly isn't useless, it's designed so you can get high-quality stereo audio through it. You can't do that with a mic socket, the power in the socket for the mic can affect the sound quality, it causes a buzz. If you want high quality audio get a USB headset or a USB/FW microphone preamp. For the majority the iPhone headphones/mic or the built-in mic work just fine. Why do you need support for PC-style headsets?

    Anyone doing serious recording through a 1/8 jack needs their head examined. The jack is useless in its current state. Why do I need support for 'PC style' headsets? Well for one there are a ton of new high quality headsets I could choose from and for two I could have a free USB port. The headphones that support the audio out microphone capability are either expensive as hell or not good for long periods of time.


    ugly tattoos. Joe Dirt Tattoo | Ugly Tattoos
  • Joe Dirt Tattoo | Ugly Tattoos

  • macmikey2
    May 3, 05:31 AM
    Image (

    I swear this was a few days ago...

    Apple, please stop sending me these now, this is the 7th one I've had since the first. :/

    Yeah, I got one today as well.

    Way to stay current Apple

    ugly tattoos. Strange and Ugly Tattoos
  • Strange and Ugly Tattoos

  • SactoGuy18
    Nov 14, 12:53 PM
    99 bottles of beer on the wall,
    99 bottles of beer.
    If one of those bottles should happen to fall,
    98 bottles of beer on the wall.

    98 bottles of beer on the wall...


    Funny you should mention that because one time I actually sang the song and it took about 25 minutes for me to do it all the way through. :D But that's only just over two segments of an ESPN Radio show podcast....

    (By the way, I always remember the third line as "Take one down, pass it around.")

    But getting back on topic, :) I think this is a great idea. Especially if you listen to long podcasts like I do that can take about way over an hour per podcast. It'll be great for long cross-country flights, that's to be sure.


    ugly tattoos. Hot Girls with Ugly Tattoos of
  • Hot Girls with Ugly Tattoos of

  • �algiris
    Apr 12, 01:24 PM
    Unless you're Mythbusters

    They actually confirmed that one. Turns out you can polish it :D

    ugly tattoos. Ugliest Tattoos
  • Ugliest Tattoos

  • 2002cbr600f4i
    Feb 18, 12:54 PM
    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?

    He had a liver transplant.... Alcohol is a no-no after that!


    ugly tattoos. ugly, ugly tattoos over
  • ugly, ugly tattoos over

  • Koodauw
    Jan 19, 09:59 PM
    Does this help?

    ugly tattoos. Ugly Tattoos on Human Body
  • Ugly Tattoos on Human Body

  • m3digi
    Apr 24, 12:50 AM
    see this youtube video and you will be able to determine whether CPU affects the overall speed more than GPU. This guy compared 11" MBA(with 320M graphics) and 13" sandy bridge MBP with SSD(with Intel 3000HD graphics )

    Of course sandy bridge MBA won't use full power sandy bridge. But you will know that MBA's performance is just overpraised by SSD, not by GPU. Once other notebooks get SSD, MBA's benefit is only limited to small form factor and weight.(maybe + high resolution)

    I just don't understand people overpraising 320M on MBA, this made me to join here.

    This comparison is garbage. The reviewer took a 13" MBP 2011 with a 2.3 GHz i5, 4GB and 128GB SSD and compared it to a 11" MBA with 1.4 GHz, 2GB and 64GB SSD. I would have liked to see him put a 13" MBA with 2.1Ghz and 4GB. I don't think the differences would have been so dramatic.

    There is no way a decision to purchase a SB MBA should be influenced by such a lopsided comparison.


    ugly tattoos. Ugly Tattoos
  • Ugly Tattoos

  • fixyourthinking
    Oct 26, 03:05 PM
    Only edits lossless not compressed files.

    It doesn't edit AACs or MP3s.

    ugly tattoos. ugly-tattoo
  • ugly-tattoo

  • DustinT
    Apr 20, 07:23 PM
    No, 2 x 2600 will not be an issue. I will second the post above, those are really limited cards so I'd recommend selling them and buying the one he recommended above. Its probably 10x faster, even when driving two monitors. If you can sell the 2600s for any kind of decent money it will be well worth your time.


    ugly tattoos. few ugly tattoos on people
  • few ugly tattoos on people

  • Paulr62
    Apr 19, 02:03 PM
    How many others has this happened to?

    ugly tattoos. 20 Butt Ugly Tattoos Via
  • 20 Butt Ugly Tattoos Via

  • mingoglia
    Apr 16, 03:48 PM
    I'm not a developer and have no idea what their policies are but will say I think it's a bit lame to have that double standard. If I was the cartoonist I wouldn't have resubmitted it. Or if I did it would have been a cartoon mocking the double standard of Apple.... I'd then blog about the whole experience. :D


    ugly tattoos. ugly stupid tattoo
  • ugly stupid tattoo

  • Dreadnought
    Oct 3, 03:43 PM
    Boehoe... Too bad redeye. Thanks for all the good and hard work. Now, don't install folding at all those little Apples in the store (BTW which store is it?!?!) or I will have to find a way to get more compu's folding for me. Hope you will stay an active member here.

    ugly tattoos. Maybe the person is so ugly
  • Maybe the person is so ugly

  • derrickearl
    Mar 23, 01:33 PM
    This would support why Apple TV never made it in the top navigation bar on like the other iOS devices. They'll also license AirPlay video for all receiver manufactures. Then DVD player will disappear and manufactures will sell a box like APple TV that also serves up solutions from other software companies. Changing the source will be like changing the channel - see what Apple has on, see what Google has on, see what Netflix is playing, see what's on Red Box and so on. Thoughts?

    ugly tattoos. Ugly Tattoo
  • Ugly Tattoo

  • Abstract
    Sep 7, 05:15 AM
    I didn't think it was that funny.

    Apr 5, 11:01 AM
    What I find to damn stupid is that all competitors except Apple use Android or Honeycomb. WTF!
    They are comparing ipad to other tablets essentially running the same effing OS.

    Maybe because that's the only competitor there is right now? No WebOS tablet released. No BlackBerryOS tablet released. I guess technically they could've put some Windows 7 devices on there, but that would've been embarrassing ;)

    Nov 12, 08:14 AM
    I'm not sure why you guys think the ads are more amusing simply because they're in a foreign language :confused: Not everyone in the world speaks english.

    yes but they're all trying to speak english, they just can't get it right

    Mar 23, 04:44 PM
    What about all the unclassified computers and devices?

    They're going to realize that the existing machines they have- or Windows machines that can be had for much cheaper- are quite capable of handling any non-classified activity without switching to new hardware.

    Nov 11, 05:59 AM
    Wow they are actually painful to watch!

    Mar 25, 11:07 AM
    Exactly, for those folks who think Kodak was just a film company you're totally off base. They had the diversity but not the vision to adjust to the transition and ended up wholesale auctioning their future. Kinda what we're doing as a country right now.

    Kodak believed that their "customers" were the drug stores that did the film developing -- and those drug stores hated the idea of digital photography. So instead of focusing on the their real customers (i.e.: those who used their camera and film) they played to the whims of the drug stores and the entire digital revolution passed them by.

    Funny though, one of the best cameras we ever had for producing decent photos was the one that used their magnetic film and showed you what the picture you just took looked like on a little LCD screen. If you did not like the picture you could mark it for "do not develop" and then take another. You saved money on developing bad photos this way and you were still using film (albeit a new kind of film). I can still remember the commercial for that camera with the young couple visiting in Italy trying to get different locals to take photos of them in a specific spot so they could make it look just like an old photo they had of one of their parents in the same spot from decades earlier. Each photo that turned out wrong was marked to not be developed and then they would try again until they got the perfect shot. Funny how they did not see that digital photography accomplished the same thing but in a better way. They really missed the boat.

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