Tuesday, June 7, 2011

nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur

nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. nissan skyline r34 gtr v spec
  • nissan skyline r34 gtr v spec

  • Number 41
    Apr 21, 02:22 PM
    I justified in my post why LTE/4G is not good for the next revision. Make an argument against that statement.

    1. Apple is an American company. Their products get released in the US first. The US market is and should remain their primary concern. If the US is going to LTE, that's where Apple needs to go.

    2. Apple innovates. It's what they do. Innovate a way to offer LTE with acceptable battery life.

    3. Processor speed for phones is overrated, especially when apps are written to account for legacy hardware in the wild. No one is going to write an A-5 only App as long as the iPad 1, iPhone 4 & 3GS level tech remains so widely held.

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. R34 gettin#39; airborne.
  • R34 gettin#39; airborne.

  • flurffmeister
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    Though it's not very clear, it looks like the capacity is listed as 12(X) GB. From what I've seen in any mass storage device, 8-10% of the storage space is missing for whatever reason (my 32GB iPhone has 29.1GB.) Even if it says 120GB, that's only 6.25% gone.


    The settings also show a 128GB capacity.


    If this were a genuine 128GB unit, the settings would show something like 118GB capacity.

    128 GB (storage size speak = 128 billion bytes) = 119.2GB (binary speak)

    Subtract about 900 megs to a gig for the OS (judging by the stated capacity on an iPod touch 4 at iOS 4.3.1), and you have somewhere around 118-118.3GB.

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. 2002 R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R
  • 2002 R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R

  • Dooger
    Mar 24, 02:49 AM



    Seems a bit hypocritical of Buddhist Steve Jobs to be embracing peace on one hand while providing support for the brutal "shock and awe" merchants on the other.

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. Nissan Skyline R34 Gtr V Spec
  • Nissan Skyline R34 Gtr V Spec

  • sososowhat
    Mar 26, 03:59 PM
    I'd thought he'd never been seen with anything but water. Just something I thought I'd heard once.


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. sep models R34+skyline+gt
  • sep models R34+skyline+gt

  • gagebart
    Mar 13, 10:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. R34 GTR VSpec II - Page 2
  • R34 GTR VSpec II - Page 2

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 14, 02:22 PM
    Microsoft just confirmed the leak from yesterday. The new version of the Xbox 360 is shipping now, and will be in stores later this week. Details are fairly slim as of right now, but here is what we know so far...

    - Smaller
    - Quieter
    - 250GB Drive standard
    - Built-in 802.11N wifi
    - Priced at $299 (same as the current "Elite", so expect price drops on the older ones)

    - Click to HUGE-Size pics -







    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. Nissan Skyline GTR-R34 V-Spec
  • Nissan Skyline GTR-R34 V-Spec

  • GilGrissom
    Oct 25, 10:55 AM
    A friend and I are now going, meeting there straight after work, but we might not get there until just gone 6, depending on how fast the tube is! Look forward to seeing you all there! Always wanted to go to a product launch and feel the hype! Now I'm in London I can!

    Here's a quick question, does the family pack still only come with 1 disk or does it come with 5 separate ones for each license? (I have several macs in the house and it's cheaper to get the family pack, obviously!)

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. SPEC -1999 Nissan Skyline R34
  • SPEC -1999 Nissan Skyline R34

  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 08:42 AM
    no manufacturer uses effective focal lengths to refer to lenses for dslrs (e. g. it's a 17-55 mm f/2.8 lens and not a 27-88 mm f/2.8 (equiv.) lens), be it a lens tailored for crop lenses or otherwise, but always the physical focal length.

    Correct. Your lens is based in 35mm terms. So by utilizing a less than 35mm sensor'd camera, you are not using the full 35mm image being projected which is where this 1.6 factor comes into play.

    Where RobbieDuncan is missing the boat, and most that are arguing incorrectly is that the image will be the same using an EF lens on either a 1.6 sensor'd camera or a FF sensor'd camera. The end result is that it will not. Focal length of the lens has not changed, but your image has.

    For the EF-S lenses, since the rear element is smaller, your image circle is smaller, and is tailored to the 1.6 sensors... agreed? Ok. How can this now apply to 35mm? you don't have a full 35mm image circle projected through the lens. So apply your FOVCF to the actual focal length and you will get a hypothetical, imaginary number that equated to 35mm. But since your lens elements cant transmit a full 35mm image, then the argument goes out the window.

    What does happen, as indicated by the linked image earlier whereby the 5D was modified to accept an EF-S lens, the image is not complete. Not enough image is sent through the optics of the lens. This shows exactly what my argument has been all along.... the image will be different. What a 1.6 camera is doing is taking that sample image, but only recording the center of it. So, Effectively, it is a zoomed image. So the Effective Focal Length for that image is bigger... say 50mm, where the lens may have been an EF-S 35mm.


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. my V-Spec II Nur.
  • my V-Spec II Nur.

  • MacRumors
    Apr 21, 12:48 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/21/apple-seeding-high-level-gaming-developers-with-a5-based-iphone-4s/)


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. skyline r34 gtr vspec-II
  • skyline r34 gtr vspec-II

  • adroit
    May 2, 10:58 PM
    Ba-bye Canada :'(


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. 63 of 113. 2002 Nissan Skyline
  • 63 of 113. 2002 Nissan Skyline

  • Prom1
    Feb 19, 11:03 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I hope he is doing well, Steve is a BIG part of Apple I'll always think of Steve as one of the greatest people of our time, my heart goes out to him I hope he does a speedy recovery. We love you Steve.

    Class. pure Class! I think beyond the respect for his privacy in this matter I'll only post this about his health going forward.

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. Genuine Nissan R34 GTR V-Spec
  • Genuine Nissan R34 GTR V-Spec

  • flosseR
    Mar 29, 01:51 AM
    too much confusion and too many beaters around the bush.
    EF-s and EF is the mount type.
    the focal length of the lenses is exactly the same. Canon cannot mount EF-s lenses on EF only bodies but Nikon full frame bodies CAN mount the smaller image circle lenses and vice versa, so there you CAN compare it.

    The 12-24mm sigma will work on both and its FOCAL LENGTH is 12-24mm on BOTH. On the crop sensor you just SEE less of the whole image. It's like on a full frame camera you see the whole image and on a crop body you see only a largish middle part of the image.
    That is the ONLY difference. No focal length changes no nothing.

    It may APPEAR to be closer shot but it is not. You can take your image shot on a 5d with that 12-24mm and crop it by 1.6 and you will have the EXACT same image as if you take the same lens on your 7d and shoot it.

    it's dead simple...


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. Some pics amp; spec of my R33 GTR
  • Some pics amp; spec of my R33 GTR

  • Brometheus
    Apr 16, 05:56 PM
    I can't defend Apple's rejection of this app, because it doesn't make sense to me. However, I can see how Apple's approval policy can lead to unintended consequences. If we view Apple as evil, then of course we will see nothing but malevolent intent. However, if we think about how the process actually works, we should realize that some of these things are predictable. I don't work for Apple, but I expect that like any organization that employs human beings, there will be variation in judgement based on the fact people are different, and the reality that it's impossible to account for every scenario. The idea that Apple can make every prohibited type of app crystal clear does not make sense to me. There are always situations that can't be covered 100%. There are trade-offs as in all of life. Lack of flexibility always comes at a price, so you do the best you can. The reviewers at Apple are like everyone else in society. Some are mature (not necessarily meaning older) people with good insight and can make good judgements when they interpret the rules. Others try to make decisions based on an interpretation of the rules that is not based on what most of us would consider good judgment.

    There are situations, such as Apple's attitude regarding Flash on the iPhone OS, when we know where the entire company stands. Sometimes we can't be sure that a decision reflects the entire company. So when people claim that "Apple" is doing something to screw someone over, sometimes it's a specific individual at Apple; someone who may not share the same perspective as the senior leaders at Apple, or even another Apple employee 10 feet away from them.

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec
  • nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec

  • cube
    Apr 23, 10:28 AM
    OpenCL was designed so software could use the processing power of the graphics card/chip to aid the CPU to perform calculations in a way that is not dependent on sending the results to video. In gaming, however, the CPU is enough to run the back-end of the game and the GPU is mainly used to display the image rather than help the CPU in processing the game's engine. Hence OpenCL should not make that much different (perhaps a few FPS but not so much as to make the 3000 better than the 320).

    Is OpenCL akin to NVIDIA's PhysX as well as their CUDA? If so then perhaps it can help with the physics engines in some high end games (GTA IV etc comes to mind) I guess?

    The 320M has OpenCL. CUDA is assembler-like, while OpenCL is C-like. They are general purpose compute engines. It's not just about games.

    Intel does not have real OpenCL yet.


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. skyline gtr r34 v spec 2.
  • skyline gtr r34 v spec 2.

  • sk58781111
    Oct 7, 10:47 AM
    3.5" was great in 2007 but not anymore. Apple needs to make a 4.2" iPhone ;)

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. R34 GTR VSpec II - GT-R
  • R34 GTR VSpec II - GT-R

  • blufire
    Oct 26, 11:14 PM
    I didn't notice any speed difference between FX 2.0 and Safari 2.0.4. If anything, Safari felt slightly snappier. (Mac OS X 10.4.8 on a Power Mac G4 MDD Dual 1 GHz)


    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. Nissan Skyline R34 GTR VSpec
  • Nissan Skyline R34 GTR VSpec

  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 03:27 PM
    All of these comments miss the point of what the announcement is about, institutional purchases. This is about school's buying large quantities, and really, since I have a hard time imagining that a University would be buying 10 packs of iPods .
    Apple does sell iPods in institutional packs.
    We've asked several Apple representatives "if I buy a class set of 32 ipods, and I want to use a paid app, how many copies does the school need to buy,
    You need to talk to the developer, not to Apple. The App Store doesn't do volume licensing, because it's a consumer resource. The developer will either give you codes for each device or arrange to provide you with a master for site licensing, in which case you'll have to go the enterprise deployment route that Apple offers for large organizations.

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. 54 of 113. 2002 Nissan Skyline
  • 54 of 113. 2002 Nissan Skyline

  • s.hasan546
    Apr 9, 03:53 PM
    Trafficking is a felony any way you look at it. So the 130,000 will pass on to his attorney's hands. In the end they all get caught.

    it's not trafficking. Its importing merchandise that you legally purchase from a foreign company. There MIGHT be patent infringement; etc. But you can read my above comment on how easily that could be dealt with. Attorney fees would not be $130k. you guys are dreaming. And notice there were no lawsuits filed. Just a "PI"

    nissan skyline gtr r34 v spec 2 nur. GT5 Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec
  • GT5 Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec

  • Don't panic
    Apr 27, 03:43 PM
    i think he would be a horrible president.
    luckily he has no chances.

    Oct 16, 10:35 PM
    One model is expected to be a "smart phone" with integrated keyboard, video and music capabilities...

    YESSSSS please come out with an Apple iPod+PDA+Cell w/ QWERTY device - i would buy this in a second!

    Apr 5, 03:23 PM
    I always question the sanity of people who use laptops this way.

    Color me insane then. Tapping the trackpad is way easier than clicking it, and I don't ever recall making an accidental tap the had any negative impact.

    Apr 4, 11:21 PM
    Can we please make a sticky about this? It seems like this question is asked at least 3 times a month.

    Mar 27, 06:25 AM
    Try �1.42 a litre :rolleyes:

    Oct 10, 11:22 AM
    hey i dont know about both MB and MBP being updated at the same time.

    Not sure if it would make sense. there are limited Core 2 Duo's available.

    How long can the limited supply situation be true though? I mean we're talking Intel here they must have huge amounts of manufacturing capability being ramped up for these chips. Possibly even being switched away from the production of Yonahs.

    I guess we'll see. It's literally anyone's guess.

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